We are proud to announce that Maria Knysh (PhD student in DNTK/TENA, promotor: Prof. Dr. B. Craps) received the Best Poster Award at EuroStrings 2023, a yearly conference on String Theory and related topics, http://www.unioviedo.es/hepth/activities/Eurostrings23/home.html.
The poster titled "Horizon supertranslations lead to chaos" presents a detailed study, carried out by Maria in collaboration with researchers at MIT, of maximally chaotic many-body quantum systems using the fluid/gravity correspondence. The research aims to establish a precise connection between diffeomorphisms that preserve the horizon structure of black holes in Anti-de-Sitter spacetimes, known as horizon supertranslations and superrotations, and symmetries of the chaotic fluid described by the dual effective field theory. The study highlights the significance of these symmetries in understanding the mechanism that governs quantum chaos and investigates the various probes for quantum chaos in relation to these symmetries.